By Dave Nevard

With the complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, maintaining the correct blood sugar levels is the first and single most important factor in the management of this disease.
The world wide agreed correct fasting sugar levels (these should be the levels your blood sugar is upon waking in the morning) are 100 mg/dl (milligrams/deciliter) if your readings are in the United States, however, other parts of the world such as Canada or the UK read in mmol (millimoles/liter) and to get this reading you divide the reading by 18. So 100mg/dl becomes 5.5 mmol.
Anything under these reading is fine, your body will naturally not allow your levels to sink too low through its own ingenious mechanisms. How do you think the human body can survive weeks without food while maintaining consciousness? True, you might not feel a million bucks but your body will do what it needs to in times of starvation.
However, anything over 6.0 mg/dl or 110mmol before eating in the morning, could be an indicator of future problems and anything over 9mg/dl or 160mmol one hour after eating is another indicator. This does not necessarily mean you have diabetes. Prolonged stress or the wrong diet can often be enough to tip the scales but if you are getting these reading you should take an interest in your blood sugar levels since having them too high can cause all sorts of problems later on. Some far more serious than other. Remember, with diabetes, correct life style choices are the best weapon not only in proper management of this disease but often they can result in a prevention in the first place.
If you are worried that you might be diabetic, has more free vital information on the signs and symptoms of this disease and what can be done to help the reversal of type 2 diabetes.
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